关于GitHub Action fork pr自动化部署的问题

GitHub项目的fork pr 触发的Action 是无法获取到 secrets 的,这是GitHub出于安全考虑进行的限制,另外测试了GITHUB_TOKEN 的权限,设置 permissionswrite-all (自动包含了读)仍然无法进行对库自动创建分支以及自动merge ,会报: Error: Resource not accessible by integration 的错误。

所以这里采用另外的一种方式实现:在fork pr 时触发自动化生成pr代码的 artifact ,然后再手动输入 fork pr number 的方式手动去触发一个流程,手动触发的流程是可以使用 secrets 的。

name: Upload fork pr files

      - '**'
      - 'packages/**'

    if: github.event.pull_request.head.repo.fork == true
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@master

      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: pr_files
          path: ./
name: manual_down_deploy_pr
# deploy_host
# deploy_host_username
# deploy_host_password

        description: 'fork pr number is '
        required: true

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Download artifact
        id: download-artifact
        uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v2
          # Optional, GitHub token, a Personal Access Token with `public_repo` scope if needed
          # Required, if the artifact is from a different repo
          # Required, if the repo is private a Personal Access Token with `repo` scope is needed
          github_token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
          # Optional, workflow file name or ID
          # If not specified, will be inferred from run_id (if run_id is specified), or will be the current workflow
          workflow: upload_fork_pr_files.yml
          # Optional, the status or conclusion of a completed workflow to search for
          # Can be one of a workflow conclusion:
          #   "failure", "success", "neutral", "cancelled", "skipped", "timed_out", "action_required"
          # Or a workflow status:
          #   "completed", "in_progress", "queued"
          # Use the empty string ("") to ignore status or conclusion in the search
          workflow_conclusion: success
          # Optional, will get head commit SHA
          pr: ${{ inputs.pr_number }}
          # Optional, no need to specify if PR is
          # commit: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.sha}}
          # Optional, will use the specified branch. Defaults to all branches
          # branch: master
          # Optional, defaults to all types
          # event: push
          # Optional, will use specified workflow run
          # run_id: 1122334455
          # Optional, run number from the workflow
          # run_number: 34
          # Optional, uploaded artifact name,
          # will download all artifacts if not specified
          # and extract them into respective subdirectories
          # https://github.com/actions/download-artifact#download-all-artifacts
          name: pr_files
          # Optional, a directory where to extract artifact(s), defaults to the current directory
          # path: extract_here
          # Optional, defaults to current repo
          # repo: ${{ github.repository }}
          # Optional, check the workflow run to whether it has an artifact
          # then will get the last available artifact from the previous workflow
          # default false, just try to download from the last one
          # check_artifacts: false
          # Optional, search for the last workflow run whose stored an artifact named as in `name` input
          # default false
          search_artifacts: false
          # Optional, choose to skip unpacking the downloaded artifact(s)
          # default false
          skip_unpack: false
          # Optional, choose how to exit the action if no artifact is found
          # can be one of:
          #  "fail", "warn", "ignore"
          # default fail
          if_no_artifact_found: fail

      - name: ssh deploy
        uses: appleboy/ssh-action@master
          pr_number: ${{ inputs.pr_number }}
          host: ${{ secrets.deploy_host }}
          username: ${{ secrets.deploy_host_username }}
          password: ${{ secrets.deploy_host_password }}
          # 部署的脚本
          script: |

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